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Single lots Overseas/Europe  -  15.11.2023 14:00
179. Auction

Page 1 of 26 (517 lots total)
Lot 1058
1924, Definitives King Edward VIII. and sailing ship, set of 12 stamps, mint, hinged with original gum (SG 10-20)
1; Übersee A-Z; ASCENSION;
1; Overseas A-Z; ASCENSION;
Kat.-Nr.: 10-21
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 1059
1938, George VI/Nile Crocodile, cpl. set with 11 values in blocks of four, uniform with lower margin, mint never hinged, very fine (SG 18-28)
04; Übersee A-Z; BASUTOLAND;
04; Overseas A-Z; BASUTOLAND;
Kat.-Nr.: 18-28 (4)
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 1060
1919, commercial envelope from Batum tied by Tresor et Postes 26/7/19 c.d.s. and triangle "T" alongside, addressed to Smyrne, some border faults and toned spots, fine and scarce usage by French Contingent in Batoum
6; Übersee A-Z; BATUM; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; BATUM; Stamp Issues
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 1061
1965, Year Of International Cooperation, cpl. set of 3 values in cpl. sheets of 25 values each, unissued, mint never hinged with all borders and usual gum toning, scarce, 7.500,-
0; Übersee A-Z; KAMBODSCHA;
0; Overseas A-Z; CAMBODIA;
Kat.-Nr.: I-III (25)
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1062
1975, Musical Instruments, cpl. set of 8 values in cpl. sheets of 25 values each, unissued with "Khmer Republic" surcharges, mint never hinged with all borders and usual tonings, scarce, 25.000,-
0; Übersee A-Z; KAMBODSCHA;
0; Overseas A-Z; CAMBODIA;
Kat.-Nr.: A-H 432 (25)
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1063
1975, Musical Instruments, cpl. set of 8 values in cpl. sheets of 25 values each, unissued without surcharge, mint never hinged with all borders and usual tonings, scarce offer of this very attractive issue, 37.500,-
0; Übersee A-Z; KAMBODSCHA;
0; Overseas A-Z; CAMBODIA;
Kat.-Nr.: A-H 432 I (25)
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1064
1900, 1 C carmine postal stationery card uprated with CIP coiling dragon 1 + 2 C, each tied by TIENTSIN 9 NOV 00, card transmitted to the German Fieldpost, then mailed via Ostasiatisches Expeditionscorps 13/11 (00) to HAMBURG 24/12 00, interesting Invitation Card/Einladungskarte with rich text on backside, f/vf
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 48, 49, P
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 1065
1898, 50 C and $ 1 C.I.P. Carp and Flying Geese, unused, little part of gum, well-centered with bold colour, very fine
21; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
21; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 55, 56
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 1066
1 C and 2x ½ C Coiling Dragon on Tientsin postcard "Deutsches Dorf", TANGKU 17 May 04, nice card
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 59 (2), 60
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 1067
2 C dragon tied by SHANGHAI LOCAL POST H SEP 7 06 c.d.s. on coloured picture postcard, small tear, used local and adressed to "Austrian Consul ... Engine Driver A.M.S. Panther"
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 61
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1068
1908, CHEFOO from the seaside, postcard with 5 different foreign post offices, Russian, Hongkong, German, Japanese and French post office, additional the Imperial Chinese postoffice of Chefoo, rare
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 1069
1908, CHEFOO from the seaside, postcard with 5 different foreign post offices, Russian, Hongkong, German, Japanese and French post office, additional the Imperial Chinese postoffice of Chefoo, very attractive
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 1070
1 C Dragon with Waterlow overprint, strip of three and single stamp tied by PEKING 25.7.13 on b/w picture postcard "Revolution in Peking" (made in Japan) from an Italian sender adressed to Italy with very clear oneliner "ITALY=VIA SIBERIA"
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 110 (4)
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1071
1916, 3 C Junk on backside of (censored) cover mailed by the austrian legation guard Josef Skiess from PEKING 24 FEB 16 to K.u.K Maschinenquatiermeister Richard Wagner in TIENTSIN 24. FEB 16, slight vertical fold not affecting stamp, scarce and fine
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 152
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1072
Chinese National Anti Opium Association, cover letter on the organization's official paper and price list for new publications, in 1924 the Association was founded in Shanghai as an NGO, in addition to lobbying in parliament for a prohibition of Opium it played a crucial role in raising public awareness through its popular publications, comics and films, due to the impending second Sino Japanese war and Japan's occupation of Inner Mongolia the National Anti Opium Association dissolved in 1936, both documents pre-folded, cover letter cut with scissors on top and small tear on the left, otherwise excellent condition


Chinesische Nationale Anti-Opium-Vereinigung, Anschreiben auf offiziellem Papier der Organisation und Preisliste neu erwerbbarer Publikationen, die Nationale Anti-Opium-Vereinigung wurde 1924 als NGO in Shanghai mit dem Ziel des Opiumverbots in China gegründet und leistete neben beratender Parlaments- und Lobbyarbeit einen wichtigen Beitrag zur Aufklärung der chinesischen Bevölkerung durch reichweitenstarke Publikationen, Comics und Filme zum Thema, mit dem heraufziehenden zweiten Japanisch-Chinesischen Krieges und der Besetzung der Inneren Mongolei durch Japan löste sich die Organisation 1936 auf, beide Dokumente gefaltet, oberer Rand des Anschreibens mit Schere beschnitten und links kleiner Einriss, ansonsten hervorragender Zustand
; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1073
SHANDONG 32.3.1, letter of a girls' school to the Bishop of Yenki Abbey in Manchukuo, China Mi.Nr. 193 and transit SHENYANG 6.3.32 on reverse, arrival mark YENKI 32.3.10 on front, some stains, interesting item of inner-Chinese mail between Christian organizations
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1074
Letter to Yenki Monastery, date noted by the sender on back as 28.05., but according to the postmark only posted in Potowohen on 1932.07.01, postmark and franking on reverse, little creased and folded in the upper third
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 229, 231
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1075
BEIJING 1932.4.21, Commissio Synodalis Beijing Office to Catholic Mission at Yenki Monastery, bearing defective Mi.Nr. 237 and glued-on paper with addressee in Chinese, transit and arrival mark YENKI on reverse, pre-folded, some creases and graze mark on stamp
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 1076
Christian Mission in China, Christian Fu Jen University Beijing cover letter on official paper and regulations for summer camp 1932 with courses in psychology, social sciences and other subjects, Fu Jen University was founded by Benedictine monks in 1925 with the endorsement of Pope Pius XI to counter the Catholic Church's image of being a creed for the poor and uneducated, the goal was to make headway into the educated middle classes and urban intelligentsia formerly leaning more toward Protestantism, after getting approved by the government in 1927 Fu Jen University diversified its portfolio and also offered courses in natural sciences, it was a popular educational institution until the Communists integrated it into Beijing Unviersity in 1951, many former Christian teachers emigrated to Taiwan where in 1960 they opened a new university with the same name which today is one of Taiwan's biggest universities, both documents pre-folded, cover letter cut on the left and regulations on the top with scissors, very good condition over all


Christentum in China, Anschreiben der christlichen Fu Jen Universität Peking auf offiziellem Papier plus Regularien für das Sommercamp 1932 mit u. a. Kursen in Psychologie und Sozialwissenschaften, die Fu Jen Universität wurde 1925 mit Billigung Past Pius XI durch die Benediktiner gegründet, um den Ruf der Bauernkirche abzuwerfen und den Katholizismus ins bis dahin eher protestantisch geprägte chinesische Bildungsbürgertum zu tragen, nach der staatlichen Anerkennung 1927 erweiterte die Universität ihr Studienangebot und nahm neben geisteswissenschaftlichen Kursen auch Naturwisschenschaften ins Curriculum auf, 1951 wurde die Universität durch die Kommunisten in die Pekinger Normaluniversität integriert, viele christliche Lehrkräfte emigrierten nach Taipei in Taiwan, wo 1960 die Neugründung erfolgte, welche heute zu den größten Universitäten Taiwans zählt, beide Papiere gefaltet und Regularien links sowie Anschreiben oben je Papierrand mit Schere zurecht geschnitten, darüber hinaus sehr gute Erhaltung dieser geschichtlich interessanten Dokumente
; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
My bid     Starting price
Lot 1077
1931, interesting pair of 2 Fen stationery cards, Yenki Abbey to another local monastery and post restante to a monastery in Korea, used order cards for 1932 Korean and Chinese festival calenders, the cards where to be filled in and returned to Yenki Abbey by letter
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Result My bid     Starting price
Page 1 of 26 (517 lots total)