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Current auctions

Today: 06. Februar 2025
Date Auction Auctionname Information
15.01.2025 12:00 Airmail and zeppelin mail, topic
41. e@uction
15.01.2025 18:00 Autographs
41. e@uction
16.01.2025 12:00 International Philately
41. e@uction
16.01.2025 15:00 Old Germany and the German Reich
41. e@uction
17.01.2025 12:00 German territories
41. e@uction
17.01.2025 15:00 Germany after 1945
41. e@uction


Online catalogue

Auction archive

16.11.2024 10:00Estates, international collections
182. Auction
16.11.2024 09:30Supplement
182. Auction
15.11.2024 10:00Collections Germany
182. Auction
14.11.2024 17:00Kowaczek-Inventory
182. Auction
14.11.2024 14:00Secondary areas, Germany after 1945, Topic
182. Auction
14.11.2024 12:30Old Germany, German Empire
182. Auction
14.11.2024 10:00Overseas/Europe
182. Auction
13.11.2024 15:30Autographs
182. Auction
13.11.2024 10:00Airmail and zeppelin mail
182. Auction
11.09.2024 15:00Germany after 1945
40. e@uction
11.09.2024 12:00German territories
40. e@uction
10.09.2024 17:00Old Germany and the German Reich
40. e@uction
10.09.2024 12:00International Philately
40. e@uction
09.09.2024 17:30Autographs
40. e@uction
09.09.2024 12:00Airmail and zeppelin mail, Topic
40. e@uction
22.06.2024 10:00Estates, Topic, International Collections
181. Felzmann-Auction
21.06.2024 10:00German Philately Collections
181. Felzmann-Auction
20.06.2024 14:00Single lots German Philately
181. Felzmann-Auction
20.06.2024 09:00Single lots International Philately
181. Felzmann-Auction
19.06.2024 16:00Autographs
181. Felzmann-Auction
19.06.2024 10:00Airmail, zeppelin mail, astrophilately
181. Felzmann-Auction
08.05.2024 12:00Germany since 1945
39. e@uction
07.05.2024 15:00Germany until 1945
39. e@uction
07.05.2024 10:00International Philately
39. e@uction
06.05.2024 16:00Autographs
39. e@uction
06.05.2024 12:00Airmail and zeppelin mail, astrophilately, thematic
39. e@uction
16.03.2024 10:00Estates, Collections international
180. Auction
15.03.2024 10:00Collections Germany
180. Auction
14.03.2024 10:00Single lots
180. Auction
13.03.2024 16:00Autographs
180. Auction
13.03.2024 10:00Airmail, Zeppelin mail
180. Auction
19.01.2024 11:00Germany since 1945
38. Felzmann e@uction
18.01.2024 13:30Germany until 1945
38. Felzmann e@uction
18.01.2024 11:00International
38. Felzmann-e@uction
17.01.2024 16:30Autographs
38. Felzmann-e@uction
17.01.2024 12:00Air- and zeppelinmail, astro-philately
38. Felzmann-e@uction
18.11.2023 10:00Collections International
179. Auction
17.11.2023 10:00Collections Germany
179. Auction
16.11.2023 13:00Single lots Germany, Topic
179. Auction
16.11.2023 10:00Special part "Pfaueninsel"
179. Auction
15.11.2023 16:30Autographs
179. Auction
15.11.2023 14:00Single lots Overseas/Europe
179. Auction
15.11.2023 10:00Flight and zeppelin mail, astrophilately
179. Auction
08.09.2023 15:00Deutschland nach 1945
37. e@uction
07.09.2023 17:30Deutsche Nebengebiete
37. e@uction
07.09.2023 15:00Altdeutschland, Deutsches Reich
37. e@uction
06.09.2023 18:00Autographen
37. e@uction
06.09.2023 15:00Europa/Übersee
37. e@uction
05.09.2023 15:00Zeppelinpost, Astrophilatelie, Thematik
37. e@uction
24.06.2023 10:00Estates, Collections international
178. Auction
23.06.2023 10:00Collections Germany
178. Auction
22.06.2023 10:00Single lots
178. Auction
21.06.2023 17:00Autographs
178. Auction
21.06.2023 10:00Airmail an Zeppelinmail
178. Auction
06.05.2023 11:00Deutschland nach 1945
36. e@uction
05.05.2023 15:00Deutsche Nebengebiete
36. e@uction
04.05.2023 15:00Einzellose international, Alteutschland, Deutsches Reich
36. e@uction
03.05.2023 18:00Autographen
36. e@uction
03.05.2023 15:00Zeppelin mail
36. e@uction
11.03.2023 10:10Nachlässe, Sammlungen International
177. Auction
11.03.2023 10:00Sonderteil: Numismatik
177. Auktion
10.03.2023 10:00Collections Germany
177. Auction
09.03.2023 17:00Autographen
177. Auction
09.03.2023 10:00Single lots
177. Auction
08.03.2023 14:00Flug- und Zeppelinpost
177. Auction
20.01.2023 15:00Deutschland nach 1945
35. e@uction
19.01.2023 18:00Deutsche Nebengebiete
35. e@uction
19.01.2023 15:00Altdeutschland und Deutsches Reich
35. e@uction
18.01.2023 15:00Internationale Philatelie
35. e@uction
17.01.2023 18:00Autographen
35. e@uction
17.01.2023 15:00Flug- und Zeppelinpost, Thematik
35. e@uction
16.01.2023 15:00Numismatics
35. e@uction
19.11.2022 10:00Philatelie - Nachlässe, Sammlungen international
176. Auction
18.11.2022 17:30Philately - Supplement "Willy Pedersen"
176. Auction
18.11.2022 10:00Philately - Collections Germany
176. Auction
17.11.2022 12:30Philately - Single lots
176. Auction
17.11.2022 09:00Philatelie - China spezial
176. Auction
16.11.2022 15:00Flug- und Zeppelinpost, Astrophilatelie
176. Auction
16.11.2022 14:30Autographs
176. Auction
16.11.2022 12:30Numismatics collections
176. Auction
16.11.2022 10:00Numismatics - banknotes, varia
176. Auction
15.11.2022 10:00Numismatics - Single lots
176. Auction
09.09.2022 15:00Deutschland nach 1945
34. e@uction
08.09.2022 18:00Deutsche Nebengebiete
34. e@uction
08.09.2022 15:00Altdeutschland & Dt. Reich
34. e@uction
07.09.2022 15:00Philately international
34. e@uction
06.09.2022 18:00Autographs
34. e@uction
06.09.2022 15:00Zeppelinmail & Airmail
34. e@uction
05.09.2022 15:00Numismatics
34. e@uction
02.07.2022 10:00Philately - Collections international
175. Auction
01.07.2022 10:00Philately Collections Germany
175. Auction
30.06.2022 11:45Philately Single lots
175. Auction
30.06.2022 11:30Levante
175. Auktion
30.06.2022 11:00China
175. Auction
30.06.2022 10:00Zeppelinmail Italy
175. Auction
29.06.2022 15:00Airmail and Zeppelinmail
175. Auction
29.06.2022 14:00Autographen
175. Auction
29.06.2022 11:30Numismatics Collections
175. Auction
29.06.2022 10:00Numismatics Single lots II
175. Auction
28.06.2022 10:00Numismatics Single Part I
175. Auction
06.05.2022 16:00Deutschland ab 1945
33. e@uction
05.05.2022 16:00Deutsche Nebengebiete
33. e@uction
04.05.2022 16:00Altdeutschland und Deutsches Reich
33. e@uction
03.05.2022 18:30International Philately
33. e@uction
03.05.2022 16:00Airmail & Zeppelinmail
33. e@uction
02.05.2022 19:00Autographen
33. e@uction
02.05.2022 16:00Numismatics
33. e@uction
19.03.2022 10:00Philately - Collections international
174. Auction
18.03.2022 10:00Philately - Collections Germany
174. Auction
17.03.2022 13:30Philately - Single lots
174. Auction
17.03.2022 12:00Philatelie - China Sonderkatalog
174. Auction
17.03.2022 10:00Zeppelinmail
174. Auction
16.03.2022 16:00Autographen
174. Auction
16.03.2022 13:00Numismatics - Collections
174. Auction
16.03.2022 11:00Numismatik - Banknoten, Orden, Varia
174. Auction
16.03.2022 10:00Numismatics - Notes
174. Auction
15.03.2022 10:00Numismatics - Single lots
174. Auction
21.01.2022 16:00Deutsche Spezialphilatelie - Zonen bis Bund
32. e@uction
21.01.2022 11:00Deutsche Spezialphilatelie - Infla bis Kontrollrat
32. e@uction
20.01.2022 19:30Autographen
32. e@uction
20.01.2022 16:00Deutschland nach 1945
32. e@uction
19.01.2022 18:30Deutsche Nebengebiete
32. e@uction
19.01.2022 16:00Altdeutschland, Deutsches Reich
32. e@uction
18.01.2022 19:00Internationale Philatelie
32. e@uction
18.01.2022 16:00Airmail
32. e@uction
17.01.2022 16:00Numismatics
32. e@uction
20.11.2021 10:00Philately - Collections international
173. Auction
19.11.2021 10:00Philately - Collections Germany
173. Auction
18.11.2021 13:30Philately - Single lots
173. Auction
18.11.2021 10:00Zeppelin mail
173. Auction
17.11.2021 16:00Autographen
173. Auction
17.11.2021 14:00Numismatics - Collections
173. Auction
17.11.2021 10:00Numismatics - Single lots Part II
173. Auction
16.11.2021 10:00Numismatics - Single lots Part I
173. Auction
10.09.2021 16:00Germany since 1945
31. e@uction
09.09.2021 16:00Deutsches Reich
31. e@uction
08.09.2021 19:00Deutsche Nebengebiete
31. e@uction
08.09.2021 16:00Altdeutschland
31. e@uction
07.09.2021 19:00International Philately
31. e@uction
07.09.2021 16:00Airmail, Zeppelinmail, Thematic
31. e@uction
06.09.2021 16:00Numismatics
31. e@uction
03.07.2021 10:00Philately - Collections international
172. Auction
02.07.2021 10:00Philately - Collections Germany
172. Auction
01.07.2021 13:30Philately - Single lots
172. Auction
01.07.2021 11:30Philately - Nothern Lights
172. Auction
01.07.2021 10:00Airmail, Zeppelinmail
172. Auction
30.06.2021 13:30Numismatics - Collections
172. Auction
30.06.2021 10:00Numismatics - Single lots part II
172. Auction
29.06.2021 11:00Numismatics - single lots part I
172. Auction
29.06.2021 10:00Numismatics - The collection Madagascar
172. Auction
07.05.2021 16:00Deutschland nach 1945
30. e@uction
06.05.2021 19:00Deutsche Nebengebiete
30. e@uction
06.05.2021 16:00Deutsches Reich
30. e@uction
05.05.2021 19:00Altdeutschland
30. e@uction
05.05.2021 16:00International Philately
30. e@uction
04.05.2021 19:00Thematic
30. e@uction
04.05.2021 16:00Airmail & Zeppelinmail
30. e@uction
03.05.2021 16:00Numismatics
30. e@uction
20.03.2021 10:00Philately, Collections international
171. Auction
19.03.2021 10:00Philately - Collections Germany
171. Auction
18.03.2021 11:00Philately - Single lots
171. Auction
18.03.2021 10:00Air-/Zeppelinmail, Astrophilately
171. Auction
17.03.2021 13:30Numismatics - Collections
171. Auction
17.03.2021 11:00Numismatics - Single lots part II
171. Auction
17.03.2021 10:00Der Medailleur Goetz
171. Auction
16.03.2021 10:00Numismatics - Single lots part I
171. Auction
22.01.2021 16:00Philatelie - SBZ/DDR, Berlin, Westzonen, Bund
29. e@uction
21.01.2021 19:00Philately - Lokalausgaben, Kontrollrat
29. e@uction
21.01.2021 16:00Philately - Deutsche Nebengebiete
29. e@uction
20.01.2021 18:00Philately - Deutsches Reich
29. e@uction
20.01.2021 16:00Philately - Former german states
29. e@uction
19.01.2021 18:00Philately - international
29. e@uction
19.01.2021 16:00Philately - Zeppelin mail
29. e@uction
18.01.2021 16:00Numismatics
29. e@uction
05.12.2020 10:00Philately collections II
170. Auction
04.12.2020 16:00Philately collections I
170. Auction
04.12.2020 10:00Philately Germany since 1872
170. Auction
03.12.2020 13:30Philately Overseas-Europe-Former german states
170. Auction
03.12.2020 10:00Aerophilately, zeppelin mail
170. Auction
02.12.2020 14:00Numismatics collections
170. Auction
02.12.2020 11:30Numismatics - Single lots part II
170. Auction
02.12.2020 10:00Der Medailleur Goetz
170. Auction
01.12.2020 10:00Numismatics - Single lots part I
170. Auction
11.09.2020 16:00Philatelie -Germany since 1945
28. e@uction
10.09.2020 16:00Philatelie - German Areas
28. e@uction
09.09.2020 18:00Philately - German Reich
28. e@uction
09.09.2020 16:00Philately - Former German states
28. e@uction
08.09.2020 19:30Philately - Üverseas/Europe
28. e@uction
08.09.2020 16:00Zeppelin mail
28. e@uction
07.09.2020 16:00Numismatics
28. e@uction
04.07.2020 10:00Philately collections
169. Auction
03.07.2020 11:00Philately Germany since 1872
169. Auction
02.07.2020 13:30Philately Overseas-Europe-Former german states
169. Auction
02.07.2020 11:00Aerophilately, zeppelin mail
169. Auction
01.07.2020 13:30Numismatics collections
169. Auction
01.07.2020 10:00Numismatics - Single lots II
169. Auction
30.06.2020 10:00Numismatics - Single lots part I
169. Auction
15.05.2020 16:00Berlin, Westzonen, Bund
27. e@uction
14.05.2020 16:00Lokalausgaben, Kontrollrat, SBZ/DDR
27. e@uction
13.05.2020 16:00Germany until 1945
27. e@uction
12.05.2020 18:30International Philately
27. e@uction
12.05.2020 16:00Airmail, Zeppelinmail, Astrophilately, Thematic
27. e@uction
07.03.2020 10:00Philately Collections
168. Auction
06.03.2020 17:00Philately Collections Germany since 1945
168. Auction
06.03.2020 10:00Philately Germany since 1872
168. Auction
05.03.2020 14:00Philately Overseas-Europe-Former german states
168. Auction
05.03.2020 10:00Aerophilately
168. Auction
04.03.2020 13:30Numismatics collections
168. Auction
04.03.2020 10:00Numismatics single lots part II
168. Auction
03.03.2020 10:00Numismatics single lots part I
168. Auction
16.01.2020 18:00Germany since 1939
15.01.2020 18:00Germany until 1939
26. e@uction
14.01.2020 18:00Aerophilately, Overseas/Europe
26. e@uction
16.11.2019 10:00Philately - Collections part II
167. Auction
15.11.2019 17:00Philately - Collections Germany since 1945
167. Auction
15.11.2019 10:00German Philately, Thematic - single lots
167. Auction
14.11.2019 14:00International Philately, single lots
167. Auction
14.11.2019 10:00Aerophilately
167. Auction
13.11.2019 13:30Numismatics - Collections
167. Auction
13.11.2019 10:00Numismatics - Single lots part II
167. Auction
12.11.2019 10:00Numismatics - Single lots part I
167. Auction
26.09.2019 18:00German Areas, Germany since 1945
25. e@uction
25.09.2019 18:00Thematik, Übersee/Europa, Altdeutschland, Dt. Reich
25. e@uction
24.09.2019 18:00Aerophilately
25. e@uction
23.09.2019 18:00Numismatics
25. e@uction
22.08.2019 18:00Philatelie Deutsche Nebengebiete bis heute
24. e@uction
21.08.2019 18:00Flug- und Zeppelinpost, Int. Philatelie bis Dt. Reich
24. e@uction
06.07.2019 10:00Philately - Collections
166. Auction
05.07.2019 12:00German Philately, Thematic
166. Auction
05.07.2019 11:00Königreich Hannover
166. Auction
04.07.2019 16:00Desinfizierte Post
166. Auction
04.07.2019 13:30Philately international
166. Auction
04.07.2019 11:00Air- and Zeppelinmail, Astrophilately
166. Auction
03.07.2019 14:00Numismatics- collections
166. Auction
03.07.2019 10:00Numismatica - Single lots part II
166. Auction
02.07.2019 10:00Numismatics - Single lots part I
166. Auction
08.05.2019 18:00German Philately since 1945
23. e@uction
07.05.2019 18:00German Philately until 1945
23. e@uction
06.05.2019 18:00Airmail, Zeppelinmail, international Philately
23. e@uction
09.03.2019 10:00Collections
165. Auction
08.03.2019 11:00German Philately
165. Auction
07.03.2019 16:00International Philately
165. Auction
07.03.2019 13:30Flug- und Zeppelinpost, Astrophilatelie
165. Auction
07.03.2019 11:00Sonderkatalog "Das System des Terrors"
165. Auction
06.03.2019 14:00Numismatics collections
165. Auction
06.03.2019 10:00Numismatics single lots - Part II
165. Auction
05.03.2019 11:00Numismatics single lots - Part I
165. Auction
11.01.2019 14:00Sonderauktion Peter Zgonc
164. Auktion
13.12.2018 18:00German Philately
22. e@uction
12.12.2018 18:00Air-/Zeppelinmail, international Philately
22. e@uction
10.11.2018 10:00Philately - Collections
163. Auction
09.11.2018 10:00German Philately
163. Auction
08.11.2018 16:00International Philately
163. Auction
08.11.2018 14:00Air- & Zeppelinmail
163. Auction
08.11.2018 11:00Via Alpina (Austria)
163. Auction
07.11.2018 14:00Numismatics - Collections
163. Auction
07.11.2018 10:00Numismatics - Single lots Part II
163. Auction
06.11.2018 10:00Numismatics - Single lots Part I
163. Auction
27.09.2018 18:00German Philately
21. e@uction
26.09.2018 18:00Air-/Zeppelin Mail, Topic, International Philately
21. e@uction
25.09.2018 18:00Numismatics
21. e@uction
23.08.2018 18:00German Philately
20. e@uction
22.08.2018 18:00Zeppelinmail, international Philately
20. e@uction
07.07.2018 10:00Philately - Collections
162. Auction
06.07.2018 10:00Philately - Germany
162. Auction
05.07.2018 14:30Philately - International
162, Auction
05.07.2018 10:00Philatey - Int. Air-/Zeppelinmail
162. Auction
04.07.2018 14:00Numismatics collections
162. Auction
04.07.2018 10:00Numismatics single lots Part II
162. Auction
03.07.2018 10:00Numismatics single lots, Part I
162. Auction
04.05.2018 11:00Deutschland ab 1872
19. e@uction
03.05.2018 11:00Flug-/Zeppelinpost, International, Altdeutschland
19. e@uction
02.05.2018 18:00Numismatics
19. e@uction
10.03.2018 10:00Philately - Collections
161. Auction
09.03.2018 10:00Philately - Germany
161. Auction
08.03.2018 15:00Philately - International
161. Auction
08.03.2018 10:00Philately - Air-/Zeppelinmail & Astrophilately
161. Auction Per Adura Ad Astra
07.03.2018 14:00Numismatics - Collections
161. Auction
07.03.2018 10:00Numismatics - Single lots part II
161. Auction
06.03.2018 10:00Numismatics - Single lots part I
161. Auction
01.02.2018 18:00German Philately
18. e@uction
31.01.2018 18:00Air-/Zeppelin mail & int. Philately
18. e@uction
15.12.2017 18:00German philately
17. e@uction
14.12.2017 18:00Zeppelin mail and international philately
17. e@uction
13.12.2017 18:00Numismatics
17. e@uction
11.11.2017 10:00Philately - Collections
160. Auction
10.11.2017 11:00Philately - Germany since 1872, Thematic
160. Auction
09.11.2017 15:00Philately - International und Altdeutschland
160. Auction
09.11.2017 13:00Philately - Horn of Africa
160. Auction
09.11.2017 11:00Philately - Air-/Zeppelinmail
160. Auction
08.11.2017 14:00Numismatics - Collections
160. Auction
08.11.2017 10:00Numismatics - single lots part II
160. Auction
07.11.2017 10:00Numismatica - Single lots part I
160. Auction
28.09.2017 18:00German Philately
16. e@uction
27.09.2017 18:00Airmail & international Philately
16. e@uction
30.08.2017 18:00Philately
15. e@uction
29.08.2017 18:00Numismatics
15. e@uction
08.07.2017 10:00Philately - Collections
159. Auction
07.07.2017 10:00Philately - Single lots II (Germany from 1872, Thematics)
159. Auction
06.07.2017 11:00Philately - Single lots I (Air-mail, International, Former German States)
159. Auction
05.07.2017 15:00Numismatics - Collections
159. Auction
04.07.2017 15:00Numismatics - Single lots
159. Auction
04.07.2017 10:00Numismatics - ASSINDIA
159. Auction
12.05.2017 11:00Philately
14. e@uction
11.05.2017 11:00Numismatics
14. e@uction
11.03.2017 10:00158. Auction - Philately
10.03.2017 10:00158. Auktion - Philately
Deutsche Philatelie, Thematik
09.03.2017 13:00158. Auktion - Philately
Äthiopien, Internationale Philatelie, Altdeutschland
09.03.2017 10:00158. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Airmail & Zeppelin mail
08.03.2017 11:00158. Auktion - Numismatics
Banknoten, Medaillen, Orden, Sammlungen
07.03.2017 10:00158. Auction - Numismatics
Einzellose Antike - Übersee
05.02.2017 11:00Numismatics
13. e@uction
02.02.2017 18:00Philately
13. e@uction
01.02.2017 18:00Zeppelin mail
13. e@uction
15.12.2016 18:00German Philately
12. e@uction
14.12.2016 20:35Airmail & international Philately
12. e@uction
14.12.2016 18:00Numismatics
12. e@uction
12.11.2016 10:00157. Auction - Philately Collections
11.11.2016 10:00157. Auction - Philately single lots Part II
Einzellose ab Deutsches Reich
10.11.2016 10:00157. Auction - Philately single lots Part I
09.11.2016 14:00157. Auction - Numismatics Collections
Numismatica collections
09.11.2016 10:00157. Auction - Numismatics single lots Part II
Numismatics - Single lots part II
08.11.2016 10:00157- Auction - Numismatics single lots Part I
Coins single lots Part I
29.09.2016 18:0011. e@uction - Part 2 (Philately)
28.09.2016 18:0011. e@uction - Part 1 (Philately)
25.08.2016 18:0010. e@uction - Philately
International Philately
24.08.2016 18:0010. e@uction - Numismatics
International Numismatics
02.07.2016 10:00156. Auction - Philatelic Collections
Nachlässe und Sammlungen
01.07.2016 10:00156. Auction - Philatelic single lots Part II
Deutschland ab Deutschem Reich
30.06.2016 10:00156. Auction - Philatelic single lots Part I
29.06.2016 14:00156. Auction - Numismatics collections
Sammlungen und Nachläße
29.06.2016 10:00156. Auction - Numismatics single lots part 2
28.06.2016 10:00156. Auction - Numismatics single lots part I
13.05.2016 11:009. e@uction - Philately
International Philately
12.05.2016 11:009. e@uction - Numismatics
International Numismatics
04.03.2016 10:00155. Auction - Philately collections
Philately collections
03.03.2016 10:00155. Auction - Philately single lots
Philately single lots
02.03.2016 16:00155. Auction - Airmail and zeppelin mail
Airmail and zeppelin mail
02.03.2016 11:30155. Auction - Numismatics collections
Numismatics collections
02.03.2016 10:00155. Auction - Bank notes, medals, awards, Misc
Bank notes, medals, awards, Misc
01.03.2016 10:00155. Auction - Numismatics Single lots
Numismatics Single lots
03.02.2016 14:008. e@uction - Philately
02.02.2016 14:008. e@uction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
10.12.2015 14:007. e@uction - Numismatics
09.12.2015 14:007. e@uction - Philately
06.11.2015 11:00154. Auction - Philately: Single lots
Philately: Single lots
05.11.2015 10:00154. Auction - Philately: Zeppelin mail & single lots
Philately: Zeppelin mail, overseas & former Germany
04.11.2015 11:00154. Auction - Numismatics: banknotes, medals & collections
Numismatics: Banknotes, medals & collections
03.11.2015 10:00154. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots
Numismatics: Single lots
16.10.2015 10:00153. Auction - Philately: Collections
Philately: Collections
27.08.2015 14:006. e@uction - Numismatics
26.08.2015 14:006. e@uction - Philately
04.07.2015 10:00152. Auction - Philately: Collections
Philately: Collections
02.07.2015 11:00152. Auction - Philately: Single lots
Philately: Single lots
02.07.2015 11:00152. Auction - Philately: Zeppelin mail
Philately: Zeppelin mail
01.07.2015 11:00152. Auction - Numismatics: Banknotes, medals & collections
Numismatics: Bankotes, medals & collections
30.06.2015 10:00152. Auktion - Numismatics: Single lots
Numismatics: Single lots
28.05.2015 14:005. e@uction - Numismatics
27.05.2015 14:005. e@uction - Philately
23.04.2015 15:004. e@uction - Numismatics
22.04.2015 17:004. e@uction - Philately
22.04.2015 13:004. e@uction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
14.03.2015 10:00151. Auction - Philately: Collections
Philately: Collections
13.03.2015 10:00151. Auction - Philately: Single lots
Philately: Single lots
12.03.2015 10:00151. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
11.03.2015 11:00151. Auction - Numismatics: Banknotes & collections
Numismatics: Banknotes & collections
10.03.2015 10:00151. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots
Numismatics: Single lots
19.02.2015 18:003. e@uction - Numismatics
18.02.2015 18:003. e@uction - Philately
15.01.2015 18:002. e@uction - Philately
08.01.2015 18:001. e@uction - Numismatics
08.11.2014 09:00150. Auction - Philately: Collections
Philately: Collections
07.11.2014 18:41150. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
06.11.2014 10:00150. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
05.11.2014 10:00150. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots
Numismatics: Single lots
26.09.2014 19:59149. Auction - Philately: Single lots
Philately: Single lots
26.09.2014 19:58149. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
26.09.2014 19:57149. Auction - Philately: Collections
Philately: Collections
26.09.2014 19:56149. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
10.02.2014 19:45148. Auction - Philately: Collections
Philately: Collections
10.02.2014 19:44148. Auction - Philately: Single lots
Philately: Single lots
10.02.2014 19:42148. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
05.11.2013 19:51147. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
05.11.2013 19:49147. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
05.11.2013 18:29147. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics : Single lots & collections
25.06.2013 19:40146. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
25.06.2013 19:38145. Auction - Philately: Austria Special
Philately: Austria Special
25.06.2013 19:37144. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
26.02.2013 19:35143. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
26.02.2013 19:33142. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
06.11.2012 19:30141. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
06.11.2012 19:28140. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
06.11.2012 19:27139. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
19.06.2012 19:25138. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
19.06.2012 19:24137. Auction - Philately: Kingdom Hanover
Philately: Kingdom Hanover
19.06.2012 19:22136. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
06.03.2012 19:20135. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
06.03.2012 19:19135. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
06.03.2012 19:17135. Aucion - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
08.11.2011 19:16134. Auction - Philately: Italy Special
Philately: Italy Special
08.11.2011 19:15134. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
08.11.2011 19:14134. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
08.11.2011 19:12134. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
28.06.2011 19:10133. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
28.06.2011 19:09133. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
22.02.2011 19:08132. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
22.02.2011 19:07132. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
22.02.2011 19:05132. Auction - Numismatics: Collection Excelsior
Numismatics: Collection Excelsior
19.10.2010 19:04131. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
19.10.2010 19:02131. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
19.10.2010 19:01131. Auction - Philately: Research collection Berlin
Philately: Research collection Berlin
16.06.2010 18:59130. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
16.06.2010 18:58130. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
25.02.2010 18:46129. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
25.02.2010 18:36129. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
05.11.2009 18:34128. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
25.06.2009 18:32127. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
25.06.2009 18:30127. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
25.06.2009 18:27126. Auction - Philately: IBRA-Auction
Philately: IBRA-Auction
09.05.2009 18:23125. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
26.02.2009 18:25125. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
26.02.2009 18:22125. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
20.11.2008 18:20124. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
08.10.2008 18:18123. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
08.10.2008 18:17122. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
12.06.2008 18:11121. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
12.06.2008 18:09121. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
06.02.2008 18:07120. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
06.02.2008 18:06120. Auction - Numismatics: Single lots & collections
Numismatics: Single lots & collections
11.10.2007 18:04119. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
30.05.2007 18:02118. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
24.01.2007 18:00117. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
24.01.2007 17:59117. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
11.10.2006 17:55116. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
01.06.2006 17:53115. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
08.04.2006 17:51114. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
02.02.2006 17:49113. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
01.02.2006 17:48112. Auction - Zeppelin mail
Zeppelin mail
05.10.2005 17:44111. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
08.06.2005 15:00110. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
19.01.2005 15:00109. Auction - Philately: Single lots & collections
Philately: Single lots & collections
29.09.2004 12:29Auction 108
28.09.2004 17:20Auction 108
Prussia special


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