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LotArt. Nr.DescriptionResultStarting priceResult / Starting priceResult / Sold for (plus Buyer’s Premium): My bidStarting pricePrice

Overseas/Europe  -  14.11.2024 10:00
182. Auction

Page 1 of 24 (461 lots total)
Lot 5001
1930, Zeppelin G.M.B.H. issue, 5.000 Reis light green, colour proof on original card board paper with seal "REICHSDRUCKEREI DIREKTION" and protection sheet, perfect condition, unique (Scott 4CL1 proof)
2; Übersee A-Z; BRASILIEN; Zeppelinmarken
2; Overseas A-Z; BRAZIL; Zeppelinmarken
Kat.-Nr.: Zp. 1 Proof
My bid     Starting price
Lot 5002
1930, Zeppelin G.M.B.H. issue, 10.000 Reis U.S.A. double surcharge, scarce variety in horizontal pair with normal one, mint never hinged in bright and fresh condition, very fine, sign. and certificate E. Diena "... only 10 samples in existance" (Scott 4CL9 var.)
0; Übersee A-Z; BRASILIEN; Zeppelinmarken
0; Overseas A-Z; BRAZIL; Zeppelinmarken
Kat.-Nr.: Zp. 5 DD, 5
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5003
1851, Prince Albert, 6 d slate violet, laid paper, exceptionally fresh with good to large margins and a neat central target cancel, very fine, cert. Oliva (SG/Scott 2, £1.300 / $1,750)
3; Übersee A-Z; CANADA; Canada (Britische Kolonien)
3; Overseas A-Z; CANADA; Canada (Britische Kolonien)
Kat.-Nr.: 3 aw
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5004
1897, 10, 20, 50 C and $ 1-5 Jubilee issue used, very fine group with few minor, invisible faults in overall attractive condition, each $-value with single BKD-certificate (Sc. 57, 59-65)
3; Übersee A-Z; CANADA; Canada (Dominion of Canada)
3; Overseas A-Z; CANADA; Dominion of Canada
Kat.-Nr.: 45, 47-53
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5005
1908, 2½ P on 4 P brown/blue KE VII provisional, clear cancelled GEORGETOWN, fresh colours, very well centered in superb condition, RPS certificate (SG 240, £3.500)
3; Übersee A-Z; KAIMAN-INSELN;
3; Overseas A-Z; CAIMAN IS.;
Kat.-Nr.: 20
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5006
1900, Red Band Registered Cover with Empress Dowager 1, 2 and 5 Cents + 2 Cents Red Revenue (!) tied by small black oval postmark KIAOCHOW 20 Jan 1900, together with German Post in China 3x 10 Pfg Eagle mailed abroad via TSINGTAU / KIAUTSCHOU 20/1 00 to Lichtenthal in Baden, Germany, arrival pmk on backside, attractive mixed country franking of 4 different definitiv issues, fine condition
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 17-18, 20, 31 DP-China 3 II
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5007
1897, Red Revenue $ 1 on 3 C red with large overprint, mint hinged with around 65% original gum, small thinned, otherwise fine, certificate Haveman BPP
1; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
1; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 33 II
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5008
1901, 1 C carmine postal stationery card written in TSINANFU (Jinan) uprated with CIP coiling dragon 1 + 2 C, tied by large chinese postmark of (TSINANFU ?) and mailed proper franked via CHEFOO 19 NOV than via SHANGHAI 25 NOV and after than by french shipmail 'PAQ. FR. No 2' to BERLIN 1902 (see arrival postmark), rich text in german, small rip on front away from stamps otherwise fine
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 48-49; P
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5009
1907, 7x 2 C Coiling Dragon Chinese Imperial Post red non-watermarked as single stamp and two strips of three, thereof one with left margin, on international registered letter to German Navy ship SMS Kaiser Franz Joseph I stationed in Tsingtao, from SINAN 12.NOV.07 with arrival postmark TSINGTAU 13.11.07, excellent condition
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 61 (7)
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5010
Airmail issue 1921 cpl. used, fine, plus 1929 cpl. on registered airmail cover, etc., CNCA first flights Shanghai-Nanking, and PANAM cover 1939 Shanghai-Manila-New York
36; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
36; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 173-177, 223-227, etc.
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5011
1929, Biplane with New Republican Flag, mixed frankings on six large-format airmail covers all from Hankow to Shanghai, some of the covers reused, various faults due to size, plus three covers incoming mail, thereof two from Switzerland to Shanghai with Pro Juventute franking and parts of Chinese registration label on reverse and attractive cover from South Africa (!) to Shanghai with ½ d Antilope as strip of 6
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Markenausgaben
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 223-227 ex multiple, etc.
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5012
1901, 1 C Chinese Imperial Post red postal stationery card with handpainted Chinese Beauty, as military field mail from PEKING MAR.23.1901 to Heddersdorf in Germany, small stains, rare and attractive
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Ganzsachen
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Post envelopes
Kat.-Nr.: P 2
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5013
Chefoo. 1896, ½ C green postal stationery card from LOCAL POST CHEFOO 7.OCT.96 to Great Britain, via Shanghai Local Post, in Shanghai uprated with German 10 Pf red Crown and Eagle and onward with German Post in China, arrival postmark EALIN 10.NO.96, with English text, lower left corner scuffed, otherwise very fine, rare
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Lokalausgaben Kaiserreich
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Lokalausgaben Kaiserreich
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5014
1901-1907, 6 copies Chinese Imperial Post 1 C red (thereof one with attached reply card) and 1 copy 1 C green postal stationaries, all used used SHANGHAI LOCAL POST, mostly posted by or to Club Concordia, mostly very fine
6; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Shanghai Local-Post
6; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Shanghai Local-Post
Kat.-Nr.: China P 2 (6), P 4 (Ascher)
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5015
Sinkiang. 1932, Red Airmail Overprints on 1924/26 Definitives, 30 C with vertical crease, otherwise fine, signed "R" and old pencil signature, very rare
3; Übersee A-Z; CHINA; Provinzen
3; Overseas A-Z; CHINA; Provinces
Kat.-Nr.: 83-86
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5016
1950, 1st Anniversary of PRC, complete first print set, no gum as issued, mint with very light hinge marks, vf (C4)
2; Übersee A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Markenausgaben
2; Overseas A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 31-34 I
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5017
1950, 1st Anniversary of PRC 1st print, complete set, no gum as issued, mint very light hinge marks, very fine (C6)
2; Übersee A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Markenausgaben
2; Overseas A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 77-81 I
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5018
1951, 2nd Anniversary of PRC, complete 1st print, no gum as issued, mint with light hinge marks, very fine (S1)
2; Übersee A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Markenausgaben
2; Overseas A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 84-86 I
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5019
1955, Scientists of Ancient China, complete mint never hinged set of four souvenir sheets, no gum as issued, xf (C33Ma-d)
2; Übersee A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Markenausgaben
2; Overseas A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: Block 1-4
Result My bid     Starting price
Lot 5020
1958, Kuan Han Ching, complete set all from lower right corner and with plate number, no gum as issued, mint never hinged, 8 F with pencil mark in margin and 20 F minimal browning on back, fine (C50M)
2; Übersee A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Markenausgaben
2; Overseas A-Z; CHINA - VOLKSREPUBLIK (PRC); Stamp Issues
Kat.-Nr.: 383-385 A
Result My bid     Starting price
Page 1 of 24 (461 lots total)