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Luft- und Zeppelinpost, Astrophilatelie, Thematik  -  17.01.2024 12:00
38. Felzmann-e@uction

Los 20001
1919-12-24, Visit of a delegation of the Aero Club of America to Peking; official letter paper with seal franked with 1 C President Yuan Shih-kai, boxed postmark "CHINESE POST OFFICE / Despatched by Aeroplane / TIENTSIN TO PEKING" handwritten note "Grand Hotel Peking China December 24 1919", red cachet "AEROPLANE MAIL SERVICE" and small boxed postmark "RECEIVED BY AERPLANE", added is an updated Chinese stationery with both boxed postmarks; whether these items have been flown is uncertain - in any case they respresent the earliest documents of Airmail in China
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